The Center for Ag Profitability's webinar series focuses on topics related to farm and ranch management, profitability, economics and farm survival for producers and ag industry professionals in Nebraska and beyond.
The live webcasts are typically presented at noon Central time on Thursdays. Registration is always free.
The archive of past webinar recordings is available on this page, beneath the schedule of upcoming webinars.
Upcoming Webinars
March 13 Non CT | Analyzing the Profitability of Stacked Extended Crop Rotations for Soil Health using the Agricultural Budget Calculator Program With Glennis McClure, Extension Educator and Farm and Ranch Management Analyst, UNL; and Jeff Steffen, Producer and Ag Budget Calculator Program User Glennis McClure, an extension farm and ranch management analyst, will discuss strategies with a producer and Agricultural Budget Calculator program user to offer insight on how to use the program to better achieve profitability. Jeff Steffen is a Crofton, Nebraska, area producer operating an integrated crop and livestock farm. During the webinar, Jeff will provide an overview of their operation that focuses on stacked extended crop rotations and integrating cow herd grazing on mixed cover crops. Jeff has used the Agricultural Budget Calculator (ABC) program to analyze cropping scenarios over the last few years. He enters their actual figures into the projected budgets to track what profitability resulted. Overall, he’s been able to estimate enterprise and whole farm profitability with fewer inputs and increased revenue. Jeff is a member of the Nebraska Natural Resource Commission Board, and the Lewis & Clark Natural Resource District Board, and serves as a technical advisor for the Bow Creek Watershed Project. |
May 19 Noon CT | Agricultural Land Management Quarterly With Jim Jansen and Anastasia Meyer, Agricultural Economists, UNL Offered since 2019, the quarterly webinars address common management issues for Nebraska landowners, agricultural operators, and related stakeholders interested in the latest insight on trends in real estate, managing agricultural land and solutions for addressing challenges in the upcoming growing season. The May 2025 webinar will cover trends in Nebraska cash rental rates for 2025, including financial implications of changing commodity prices and adjusting cash rents. Proper communication between landlords and tenants will be discussed, along with decision-making considerations for managing land. Submit questions ahead of time at Submit questions ahead of time at |
Past Webinar Recordings
Find recordings for webinars held prior to 2024 on our YouTube page.